I'm going to open this post with a new linguistic initiative. No longer use "liberal" and "conservative." Use the proper terms: "progressive" and "regressive" to represent the actual social and economic directions those particular groups wish us to take.
Hopefully you all called your Senators to tell them to vote "no" on their ACA repeal/replace. Since they're delaying the vote like cowardly cowards, call them again. Think of it as a more patriotic activity than setting off fireworks for 4th of July. Something you ought to include for those freedom lovin' Republicans: they wrote this bill behind closed doors. Like Vladamir Putin would have done.
Here's the switchboard number: 202-224-3121.
Now I want to talk about Trump's administration launching an "investigation" into "voter fraud."
Seriously. Fuck this noise. Especially since Mississippi told them to go jump into the Gulf of Mexico.
But Michele Reagan, Arizona's Secretary of State, is deciding to cooperate.
So, let's look at some facts: Between 2000 and 2010 more people were struck by lightning than committed Voter Fraud. So why make accusations of wide spread voter fraud? Why to give you an excuse to disenfranchise voters, of course. Do any of you think Trump's handlers are looking for this data to sniff out real voter fraud where much more qualified people have failed? Or to gather data on the people who didn't vote for their boss so they can begin to systemically disenfranchise those voters of their voting rights?
Anyways, visit this site. Donate to them.
Also, if you're in Arizona, call Michele Reagan's office: 602-542-4285, or toll free: 800-458-5842.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for the good to do nothing.
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